Guardian Award Entries Due
Fri, Oct 15
Nomination packages from chief elected officials and/or agency chief's (see EMA Award Description Package for details) are due to EMA to be reviewed by the EMA Executive Committee meeting (that evening).

Time & Location
Oct 15, 2021, 12:00 PM
About the Event
(Clinton County, Ohio) On Thursday, 16 September 2021, the EMA Executive Committee approved an annual awards program to honor local responders and volunteers for their service to their community.
“We hinted at the direction we wanted to take as part of the 30th Anniversary of EMA,” said Michael Boyle, Chairman of the Executive Committee. He continued, “We want to say thank you to our community guardians who respond 24/7 when others are in peril.”
“It is a great way to recognize the service of our local responders, tell their story on the work and challenges they face, and helping to promote service to future responders,” said Commissioner Kerry Steed, Executive Committee member.
A unanimous vote during the September monthly Executive Committee meeting approved the program, which includes the following categories:
Chairman’s Award: Recognizing the actions, service, and accomplishments over the span of their career that has contributed to the resilience and safety of the county from natural or manmade disasters. To be presented as part of the EMA Annual Meeting (starting 16 December 2021).
Director’s Award: Recognition of a nominee for a significant singular action, effort, or accomplishment during the current year that furthered the county emergency management program within any jurisdiction within the borders of Clinton County. To be presented as part of the EMA Annual Meeting (starting 16 December 2021).
Guardian Award (Law Enforcement Officer Category): Annual award citing outstanding performance or a significant action by a LEO serving a jurisdiction within
Clinton County as part of National Law Enforcement Appreciation Day (starting 9 January 2022).
Guardian Award (Firefighter (FF) /Emergency Medical Services (EMS) Category): Annual award citing outstanding performance or a significant action by a FF or EMS member serving a jurisdiction within Clinton County as part of Fire Safety Week (starting 9 October 2022).
Volunteer Recognition: Annual recognition of top community volunteers or organizations who have enabled the local EMA program, cited as an exercise outstanding performer, or recognized for exceptional effort during a local real-world response. Recognitions would take place as part of the EMA Annual Meeting (starting 16 December 2021).
Submission details have been distributed to all response agency chiefs, jurisdictional chief elected officials as part of the October mailing, and posted to the EMA website (cc-ema.org/awards). For more information, please contact EMA at (937) 382-6673.