Take Anytime
|On-Line Training
IS-800.d National Response Framework
(On-Line Course) Independent Study Course to provide guidance for the whole community.
Time & Location
Take Anytime
On-Line Training
About the Event
You will need a FEMA Student ID if you choose to take the on-line test for a certificate. You can sign up for a FEMA Student ID number at this location LINK (https://cdp.dhs.gov/femasid)
Course Overview
The goal of the IS-0800.d, National Response Framework, An Introduction, is to provide guidance for the whole community. Within this broad audience, the National Response Framework focuses especially on those who are involved in delivering and applying the response core capabilities, including:
- Private sector partners
- Non-governmental organizations (NGOs)
- Government officials
- Community leaders
- Emergency management practitioners
- First responders
Course Objectives:
By the end of this course, students will be able to:
- Describe the purpose, scope, organization, and underlying doctrine of the National Response Framework.
- Describe the roles and responsibilities of response partners.
- Describe core capabilities for response and actions required to deliver those capabilities.
- Describe coordinating structures and operational planning used to support emergency response.
- Describe how the stabilization of the seven Community Lifelines reduces threats to public health and safety, or economic security.
Primary Audience
The National Response Framework is intended to provide guidance for the whole community. Within this broad audience, the National Response Framework focuses especially on those who are involved in delivering and applying the response core capabilities, including:
- Private sector partners
- Non-governmental organizations (NGOs)
- Government officials
- Community leaders
- Emergency management practitioners
- First responders
Recommended: IS-0700, An Introduction to the National Incident Management System LINK (https://training.fema.gov/is/courseoverview.aspx?code=IS-700.b&lang=en)
Course Length:
3 hours