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Writer's pictureThomas Breckel

Status of Preparedness Survey

Results of the Preparedness Survey for those living in Clinton County (as of 28 Sept 2021):

  • 16 Respondents: 62.5% from Wilmington, 12.5% from Washington Township, and 6.25% each from Adams, Chester, Union, and Vernon Townships.

Q1: Does your household have an emergency plan? 56.25% Yes, and $43.75% No.

Q2: Is your emergency plan written down? 25% Yes, 31% No, 43.75 does not have a plan.

Q3: Does your household have an emergency kit? 43.75% Yes, and 56.25% No.

Q4: When was the last time you checked your household emergency kit? 31.25% within the last 6 months, 6.25% within the last 12 months, 12.5% not since creating, and 56.25% does not have a kit.

Q5: Do you have insurance? 0% Renters, 93.75% Homeowners, and 6.25% had neither.

Q6. How would you handle an emergency expense of $400? 6.25% would not be able to pay now, 87.5% have an emergency fund, and 6.25% would put it on a credit card.

Q7. Greatest preparedness concerns for your household? Respondents indicated Water Damage, Poor Cell Signal (for 911), taking care of pets, access to medication(s), COVID, Fire/EMS response, and what to put in to a kit.

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