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Active Aggressor


Hazard rank in the 2021 Clinton County Hazard Mitigation Plan (1 highest priority to 16 lowest priority): 9 (Terrorism), which could result in or initiate 2 Utility Failure, 5 Hazardous Materials release, explosion, 13 Dam Failure, and/or 14 Wildfire.​

While the threat of mass attacks is real, we can take steps to prepare, protect ourselves and help others.

What is an Active Aggressor?

An individual actively engaged in killing, or attempting to kill people in a confined, and populated area.

Be Informed

  • Stay Alert. Always be aware of your environment and any possible dangers.

  • If you see something, say something to local authorities. That includes suspicious packages, people behaving strangely, or someone using strange communications.

  • Observe warning signs. Signs might include unusual or violent communications, expressed anger or intent to cause harm and substance abuse. These warning signs may increase over time.

  • Have an exit plan. Identify exits and areas to hide wherever you go, including work, school and special events.

  • Learn lifesaving skills. Take trainings such as You Are the Help Until Help Arrives and first aid to assist the wounded before help arrives.

Survive DURING

Run to Safety
  • Seek safety. Getting away from the attacker is the top priority.

  • Leave your belongings behind and get away.

  • Call 9-1-1 when you are safe and describe the attacker, location and weapons.


A lockdown is an emergency measure in which a danger is detected inside a building and people are temporarily prevented from entering or leaving.  During a lockdown, the goal is to quickly establish a secure location if you were unable to Run to Safety.  This includes closing and locking doors and windows, closing shades, and turning off lights.  Any fire alarms activated during a lockdown should be treated with suspicious since active shooters have been known to set them off.  Everyone should gather in a safe corner of the room and remain in place until given an All Clear from law enforcement.

Cover and Hide
  • If you can’t evacuate, cover and hide. Find a place to hide out of view of the attacker and if possible, put a solid barrier between yourself and the threat.

  • Lock and block doors, close blinds and turn off lights.

  • Keep silent.

Defend, Disrupt, Fight
  • Fight as a last resort. When you can’t run or cover, attempt to disrupt the attack or disable the attacker.

  • Be aggressive and commit to your actions.

  • Recruit others to ambush the attacker with makeshift weapons like chairs, fire extinguishers, scissors, books, etc.

  • Be prepared to cause severe or lethal injury to the attacker.

Help the Wounded
  • Take care of yourself first and then, if you are able, help the wounded get to safety and provide immediate care. If you are experiencing a medical emergency, call 9-1-1.  Learn how to be the help until help arrives.


When Law Enforcement Arrives
  • Remain calm and follow instructions.

  • Keep hands visible and empty.

  • Report to designated areas to provide information and get help.

  • Follow law enforcement’s instructions and evacuate in the direction they tell you to. 

Monitor Communications
  • Listen to law enforcement’s messages for information about the situation. Share updates with family and friends.


Consider Seeking Professional Help
  • Be mindful of your health. If needed, seek help for you and your family to cope with the trauma.

  • Engage virtually with your community. Know that it’s normal to feel anxious or stressed. Take care of your body and talk to someone if you are feeling upset.



Clinton County Terrorism Assessment (PDF).

Houses of Worship Tool Box (Ohio EMA).

Run, Hide, Fight (Video).

Active Shooter Information Sheet.

Private Citizen Response (CISA).

Options for Consideration (Video).


K-12 School Active Aggressor Tabletop Exercise (TTX) Toolkit.

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