Ready to make that shift from Winter to Spring? Here are a few volunteer opportunities to help get you READY!
Tabletop Exercise on Thursday, 23 March (this well received exercise from 29 July 2022 is being run again for our county long term care facilities)
Information on the event:
Click here to volunteer for this event:
National Weather Service Storm Spotter Training
Information on the event (you’ll be there to assist, and get to hear all the details):
Click here to volunteer for this event:
EM Briefing for Elected Officials & Department/Agency Heads:
Information on the event:
Click here to volunteer for this event:
I’m working on more Volunteer specific training, however, the challenge will be finding a time that will pull in enough volunteers. Examples include Preparedness University, Stop-The-Bleed, Damage Assessment, et cetera.
More to come :)