Updates/changes noted in PINK)
Update No. 6: 7:36 pm on Sunday, 25 May 2024.
Damaging Winds threat downgraded to ELEVATED.
Large Hail confidence increased to HIGH.
Forecast Challenges slide updated for Round No. 2.
Timing hints at 9 pm and 5 am for region.
Area of focus likely to be area south of I-70.
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Update No. 5: 9:49 am on Sunday, 25 May 2024.
Updated Forecast Challenges slide
Added Storm Prediction Center DAY 1 informational slides.
CATAGORICAL: ENHANCED risk of severe weather for the entirety of Clinton County.
TORNADO: 5% chance of a tornado occurring within a given point in the county.
WINDS: 30% chance of damaging winds.
HAIL: 5% chance of large damaging hail.
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Update No. 4: 8:50 am on Sunday, 25 May 2024.
Updated Forecast Challenges slide
Updated Timing Graphic for Round No. 1
Updated Risk area
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Update No. 3: 1:08 pm on Saturday, 25 May 2024.
Updated Forecast Challenges Slide
Added Timing Graphic for Round No. 1
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Update No. 2: 6:03 am on Saturday, 25 May 2024.
WIND risk location has widened with confidence elevated to HIGH.
HAIL risk downgraded to LIMITED with confidence noted as LOW.
TORNADO and FLOOD risk maintained at ELEVATED with MEDIUM confidence. TORNADDO risk area has widen as well.
Graphics with changes have been swapped out below.
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No significant changes to the information below based on the current NWS ILN Wx Brief posted as of 5:56 pm Friday.
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This is your Prepare Now Message in advance the potential for severe weather on Sunday, 26 May 2024.
Posted: 2:30 pm on Friday, 24 May 2024
Timing: Sunday Afternoon and Night
Confidence: Varies (see hazards)
Primary Hazards: ENHANCED risk for severe weather for all of Clinton County.
Damaging Winds (SIGNIFICANT, 4 out of 5, HIGH confidence): Entire Area, especially SE Indiana, SW Ohio, N Kentucky.
Large Hail (LIMITED, 2 out of 5, LOW confidence): Entire Area, especially SE Indiana, SW Ohio, N Kentucky.
Tornadoes (ELEVATED, 3 out of 5, MEDIUM confidence): Entire Area, especially SE Indiana, SW Ohio, N Kentucky.
Flash Flooding (ELEVATED, 3 out of 5, MEDIUM confidence): Entire area, especially SE Indiana, SW Ohio, N Kentucky.

NWS briefing slides:
Note: Updated Main Hazards

Note: Forecast Challenges slide updated for Round No. 2

Note: Updated risk area

Note: New Onset Time of Hazardous Weather slides

Note: Updated area of Excessive Rainfall Outlook

Additional Storm Prediction Center slides for DAY 1 (Sunday, 26 May 2024)

Visit cc-ema.org/prepare: Make sure to familiarize yourself with crucial keywords such as SEVERE, POWER, and TORNADO at cc-ema.org/prepare.
Document Your Property: Each Spring, take comprehensive photos of your home and property. This documentation is essential for insurance claims in case of damage or loss.
Plan and Communicate: Have a discussion with those you love, like, and tolerate (based on your situation) about emergency procedures, including where to shelter during severe weather events such as tornadoes.
RESOURCES: https://www.cc-ema.org/post/resources